Friday, December 22, 2023

πŸ”ŸMy 10th Bday πŸŽ‚

 Went to Murray Bridge πŸŒ‰ McDonald's ate pancakes πŸ₯ž and drank caramel milkshake with whipped cream 🍦 for breakfast 🍳

Went to Kmart to get myself a present 🎁 and in the end everyone in my family got a present 🎁

For lunch πŸ˜‹ I got to go to the SA museum πŸ–Ό️ and I saw 16 number 10s πŸ”Ÿ(most of the tens were speed limits) 

On the way home (long drive) I saw a koala 🐨 climbing a Eucalyptus 🌿 tree 🌲

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Just a Pic

 Just a picture of my "One of a Kind" seahorse.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

R Heroes Charecters

I'm making an R Heroes story (don't look up pls) so I'm writing about the characters here.

Name: Ellie 

Full name: Ellie Zanxis

Gender: Female

Age: 11

Favorite colour: Magenta

Favorite food: Bubblegum flavoured ice cream

Superpower: Drawings come to life

Allergies: Dust

Interested in: Art

Personalities: Creative, Brave, Leading.

Name: Niva

Full name: Niva Zanxis

Age: 10

Favorite Colour: Pumpkin orange

Favorite Food: Orange flavored chocolate

Super Power: Doesn't have one (or does she...?)

Allergies: Peanuts

Intrested in: Math

Personalities: Curious 

Name: Cynsige

Full name: Cynsige something

Age: 11

Favorite Colour: Red

Favourite Food: COOKIES

Super Power: Doesn't have one (not yet....)

Allergies: Peanuts

Interested in: STEAM

Personalities: Fun 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


When I have kids this is what I'll call them…

Female:Amy, Bethany, Hallelujah, Ava, Avea, Bethsaida, Trinity, Beyond,

Male: Elizar (pronounced: Ellie-izar. Meaning: "God is my helper") Alex,(a name I wanted to call a brother for so long.) Bethlehem Bethel 

Friday, May 26, 2023


 the de dream will ream across the stream and that is my rest put to the de test

It was when I saw a roman parade.

Roman Army Near Colosseum at Ancient Romans Historical Parade Editorial  Photo - Image of array, ancient: 71678406

Then after the parade 4 soliders saw me and they didn't like me then they were chasing me then after a while 1 of the soliders became my friend then he asked me to barbacue sausages so he told his friends he was cooking sausages for them then they said "Who's serving?" I was like "I thought he was gonna come serve to them when I'm done. *Me in my mind: 😠 Soldier in my mind: πŸ˜…" then I went to their house and I was like "oh no there is no stove" so I couldn't cook the sausages then I leaned over the balcony and saw Peter and 2 more disciples with a few children. Then I went down to see them and I saw Elrica there with them then the romans were coming but me Elrica and Arianne was on the top floor and a solider came to beat us and I went in front of Elrica and Arianne to stop him from beating them. And that was the end of my dream


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

πŸ’­de dream 3 May 2023

I was dreaming last night and this is what I dreamt…

Me and my family was moving house...

wait a minute who is my family? 
Elrica-sister (my sister in real life)
Sophie-sister (my friend in real life)
and a few other people (I don't know who they are)

the house was in a country side but the road was very small and the houses had 2 or 3 storeys ours was at the end of the village but walking distance so it was a very small village it looked like a modren grey slanted roof house and it had one storey. It was all white but it felt like I had to crawl everywhere my sisters and I (you know who they are)  played hide and seek but when they hiding a few teenagers showed up they knew I had sisters so they asked where they were. I knew where they were so I checked there but the cabinet they were in was gone they were actully up near the ceiling but when I looked away and then looked back the cabinent was back where is was so I guess the house was like the future and then I was in a diffrent scene where I was with my favirote youtuber and there were some cartoon and comic charecters but then there was a problem then a cartoon pizza was singing a dramatic song and me and another comic girl said "Now is not the time" then we looked at each other and I said "We are like each other" then I said  "Do you like electronics?" she said "Yes" then there was like a dog looking mean blob and if you touch it (i don't know how i know this) but then you turn evil.
Soon we all went in a elevator but the girl who is like me was still outside but she took so long to come so I close the door whenever she wasn't coming but then suddenly I heard "aww so cute"  from the girl so I said "Let's just go without her". Then we were outside in the playground and the meanie is actully my favirote youtuber's friend! he got me then I guess I was part of his team? but when he got me I felt weak and I was on the floor then when he brought me to his secret  base and  he said  "Drink this" and gave me paint water I said "This isn't  edible" then he said "Drink it or you will have a coconut trash bin" 
I said "Coconut trash bin" because at least coconut is edible. Then my dream ended. Goodbye


Wednesday, April 26, 2023


 Part 1:

Have you ever seen this?

When Dinosaurs Roam in Chrome - The New York Times

I am thinking they are just trying to entertain you while there is no internet because it is a game

If you want this game follow this link


Part 2:

is there something wrong with your cpu? put this link (if you can't tap it then copy paste it)


I haven't tryed it actually so I don't know if this works. If it doesn't then try on a cpu that works😏…(read until the end if you have done it)


Monday, April 24, 2023


Have you heard of the story of Anzac Ted? The story of the army bear. At the end of the story they put a picture of a man so I am wondering is Ted real? Well both the teddy and the man was real.

Ted  Matthews,  the  last  living  ANZAC  from  the  Gallipoli  landing

so he is real, and so is the teddy

Author Belinda Landsberry's book, Anzac Ted, tells the story of a teddy bear, that was taken to the front line and then passed through the generations. She said the story was loosely based on a bear her husband was given as a child by his father.


Monday, April 17, 2023


 Un-schooling huh? Well that might be a dream for children like me, grown-ups not so well, but I saw this... 

...I was thinking "is un-schooling really good" actually, I might put a list of things that you do at the weekend or school holidays and you can think how it can be educational.

1.  educational video games

2. camping

3. playground

4. sleepover

5. going with your mom shopping

6. Hide & Seek/Ice and Water/Duck Duck Goose/Tag/extreme hide & seek(which is tag and hide & seek)

7. church camp (not camping, camp)

8. swimming

9. fair

Thursday, April 13, 2023


 *scratches head* 

"I remember when I wondered 'if I have sand on my head is it because God made Adam with the dust of the Earth'" 

*mom comes* 

"should I ask her?" 

Mom: "still doing devotion is it?" 

"that was close…  I should ask" 

*mom leaves* 

"…never mind"

Friday, March 10, 2023

πŸ‘§πŸ»What am I?

Q: What do older sisters do?

A: They help their younger siblings, set a good example, tell them the right thing, take care of them and play with them.

They help their younger siblings:  Helping is one of the things that you need to do. They might need help or not. It is important to help them but sometimes they don't want it, even if it seems they're not doing the right way of whatever they're doing.

Set a good example:  The big sister has to do the right thing. If not then it will be a- umm... it will be CHAOTIC. When you don't do the right thing then your siblings won't either. This why you should set a good example, not a bad one.

Tell them the right thing:  Sometimes they don't see you doing the good example and the do the wrong thing. Yes, you have to tell them the right thing if your parents are busy.

Take care of them:  When your parents are busy or not around, even when you have a babysitter, you still have to take care of them. The places you have to take care of them: home, kids area, church, at school, (if they go to school with you) and more, basically everywhere.

Play with them:  That's right, play with them. Even though you're busy or doing homework, you should find some time to play with them. It is important that you play with your younger siblings, no matter what. It is what they expect you to do.
