Tuesday, September 12, 2023

R Heroes Charecters

I'm making an R Heroes story (don't look up pls) so I'm writing about the characters here.

Name: Ellie 

Full name: Ellie Zanxis

Gender: Female

Age: 11

Favorite colour: Magenta

Favorite food: Bubblegum flavoured ice cream

Superpower: Drawings come to life

Allergies: Dust

Interested in: Art

Personalities: Creative, Brave, Leading.

Name: Niva

Full name: Niva Zanxis

Age: 10

Favorite Colour: Pumpkin orange

Favorite Food: Orange flavored chocolate

Super Power: Doesn't have one (or does she...?)

Allergies: Peanuts

Intrested in: Math

Personalities: Curious 

Name: Cynsige

Full name: Cynsige something

Age: 11

Favorite Colour: Red

Favourite Food: COOKIES

Super Power: Doesn't have one (not yet....)

Allergies: Peanuts

Interested in: STEAM

Personalities: Fun 

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